Suplemen Mingguan 
Warta Alumni SMAN 4 Jakarta
Kliping berita dan tulisan pilihan dari internet

Minggu 11 Maret 2001

Dari Redaksi

Rekan-rekan Alumni
Cyber-Clips ini merupakan suplemen terhadap situs Warta Alumni SMAN 4 Jakarta, yang merupakan kliping dari pelbagai tulisan dan berita yang ada di Internet. Maksud dari penerbitan ini adalah untuk menyajikan ilustrasi fenomena dalam teknologi, budaya, sosial dan asepek kehidupan lainnya secara ringan dan mudah.
Sekedar pengisi waktu dan menambah wawasan .....


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Tips Wanita Bugar

I am in the process of losing weight and I have a question about fruit drinks. I just read an article on this site that says it is better to drink fruit juice instead of a carbonated diet drink. How do I know which fruit juice is really giving me the nutrients I need? I love fruit juices, however, they contain so many calories and carbohydrates I almost feel guilty drinking them. So, I am stuck between a rock and hard place, so to speak. If I drink fruit juices, I consume almost 220 calories, and if I drink a Diet Pepsi, then I consume almost no calories, but possibly then become bloated and eat more calories anyway! Ugh! I guess if I knew I was getting more nutrients out of what I was drinking I would feel better about the calories I am consuming. Could you please help me out?
The bottom line is that while fruit juices contain essential nutrients, they are high in calories. You are better off to drink water to quench thirst and eat a piece of whole fruit to satisfy hunger or sweet cravings. For losing weight, whole fruits give more bang for the buck. As for carbonated drinks, while they have no nutritional benefits, they can help stave off hunger and/or sweet cravings. 

The HFT Staff

NOTE: If you would like to see your question featured in Health Fitness Tips, please submit to:

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Kanal pendidikan keluarga ini diasuh oleh Bapak Soejono yang merupakan pemerhati pendidikan. Para pelajar ataupun orangtua murid bisa melakukan konsultasi secara online mengenai aneka masalah sekolah, penentuan jurusan, dll.
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Angkasa Luar

NGC 4013:
A Galaxy on the Edge

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NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has snapped this remarkable view of a perfectly "edge-on" galaxy, NGC 4013. This new Hubble picture reveals with exquisite detail huge clouds of dust and gas extending along, as well as far above, the galaxy's main disk.

NGC 4013 is a spiral galaxy, similar to our own Milky Way, lying some 55 million light-years from Earth in the direction of the constellation Ursa Major. Viewed pole-on, it would look like a nearly circular pinwheel, but NGC 4013 happens to be seen edge-on from our vantage point. Even at 55 million light-years, the galaxy is larger than Hubble's field of view, and the image shows only a little more than half of the object, albeit with unprecedented detail.

Dark clouds of interstellar dust stand out in the picture because they absorb the light of background stars. Most of the clouds lie in the plane of the galaxy, forming the dark band, about 500 light-years thick, that appears to cut the galaxy in two from upper right to lower left. A similar effect can be seen in our own sky. If one views the Milky Way by going well away from city lights, dust clouds in the disk of our own galaxy appear to split the glowing band of the Milky Way in two.

When light passes through a volume containing small particles (for example, molecules in the Earth's atmosphere, or interstellar dust particles in galaxies), it becomes fainter and redder. By studying the color and the amount of light absorbed by these distant clouds in NGC 4013, astronomers can estimate the amount of matter in them. Individual clouds contain as much as one million times the amount of mass in our Sun.

Dark interstellar clouds are believed to be where new stars are formed. Later, when the dust disperses, the young stars become visible as clusters of blue stars. NGC 4013 shows several examples of these stellar kindergartens near the center of the image, lying in front of the dark band along the galaxy's equator. The extremely bright star near the upper left corner, however, is merely a nearby foreground star belonging to our own Milky Way, which happens to lie in the line of sight to NGC 4013.

This Hubble Heritage picture was constructed from Hubble images taken in January 2000 by Dr. J. Christopher Howk (Johns Hopkins University) and Dr. Blair D. Savage (University of Wisconsin-Madison). Images taken through three different filters have been combined into a color composite, covering the region of the nucleus of the galaxy (behind the bright foreground star at the upper left), and extending along one edge of the galaxy to the lower right.

Image credit: NASA and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)
Acknowledgment: J.C. Howk (Johns Hopkins University) and B.D. Savage (University of Wisconsin-Madison).
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Film & Video

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American Beauty
Starring: Kevin Spacey, Annette Bening
Director: Sam Mendes
Synopsis: Outrageous comedy/drama concerns disillusioned husband and father who suddenly abandons adulthood responsibility, re-adopting rebellious attitude of his youth. Strong performances, stinging, hilarious one-liners compensate for heavy-handed attempt at social commentary.
Runtime: 111 minutes
MPAA Rating: R
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Rumah & Kebun

TIPS Sebelum mendisain ulang kebun Anda
. Lihatlah melalui jendela rumah Anda, dan perhatikan apa yang Anda lihat. Apakah pemandangan dari ruang tamu, dapur dan dari ruang-ruang lainnya sama dengan apa yang Anda lihat sekarang? Bila tidak, mungkinkah pemandangan ini dapat diubah atau
didesain ulang dengan menanam atau membangun sesuatu untuk menonjolkan keindahan atau menutupi kekurangan dari area di luar rumah kita?
2.  Duduklah bersama-sama anggota keluarga Anda dan diskusikan apa yang baik and buruk tentang rumah serta tanah di pekarangan, dan daftarlah apa-apa yang ingin mereka ubah
3.  Perhatikan dengan cermat rumah dan pekarangan rumah orang lain ketika Anda berjalan-jalan. Bisa juga Anda menyempatkan diri dengan mengikuti tour sebuah organisasi klub berkebun, masyarakat hortikultura dan organisasi amal lainnya
4. Ukurlah dan catat dimensi rumah Anda, termasuk lokasi jendela, pintu masuk, posisi pohon-pohon besar, jalan raya, trotoar, dinding, garis pembatas dengan tanah tetangga, dan lain-lainnya. Dengan menggunakan ukuran ini, buatlah sket pandangan mata burung rumah dan pekarangan Anda ini
5.  Mulailah membuat sket perubahan lansekap kebun Anda pada kertas kalkir. Jangan kecewa bila Anda mendapatkan hasil yang kurang memuaskan. Mulailah lagi, dan hasil
sketsa Anda sebelumnya jangan dibuang - siapa tahu Anda akan membutuhkannya kemudian

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Elementary rules of "computer hygiene":

  1. In BIOS toggle off the ability of the computer to be loaded from disk A (only C);
  2. The antivirus scanner (monitor) should be loaded automatically together with the operating system;
  3. When using somebody else's floppy discs or other removable carriers apply antivirus control;
  4. Don't be lazy and when installing any (!!!) program from CD-ROM, antivirus ones included, check out the disc for viruses;
  5. When receiving E-mail from the sources unknown to you, especially with the availability of attachments, delete the letters even without looking them through. Otherwise you take a risk to lose either control of the system or your information.

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.Are we doing enough to save the earth? How much would it cost to rebuild our entire civilization? Is this the ecological deficit we are leaving for our children?  The quantities of Greenhouse Gases, such as Carbon Dioxide, Methane and CFCs, which have already been produced by industrial societies is at a level which has triggered the comings and goings of Earth's Ice Ages during the last million years. Recent discoveries in the geological record reveal that transitions into and out of ice ages are marked by cataclysmic changes in climate conditions and sea levels. We can not depend upon gradual climate changes or sea level variations to which we can accomodate ourselves during a Greenhouse Century. 120,000 years ago, conditions were very similar to what they are now, when the last ice age began. Earth suddenly lurched into what scientists refer to as the Madhouse Century, the transition period into the Ice Age. During the Madhouse Century sea levels abruptly rose 20 feet from where they are now, and then plummeted fifty feet, all in one hundred years.

The magnitude of the climate crisis requires nothing less than an all-out emergency effort to convert western economies away from fossil fuel dependence. To build a truly sustainable economy and eliminate human interference with global climate cycles, the Climate Action Now will present a wide range of resource access for activists, educators and journalists, and opportunities for personal involvement in what must become one of the greatest mobilization efforts in human history.

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Musik & CD

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Format: Audio CD
Release Date: 09/19/2000


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